Our Mission Statement is simple...

Bringing Heaven to Earth


We believe God left us with 2 simple commands: Love God and Love People. (Matt.22:37-38). Our heart is to do just that, not just here in the church building but outside the 4 walls. To bring the heart of the Father into the Hi-Ways and Bi-Ways, to meet people right where they are, just like Jesus did, is our mission. We are walking in a direction that will bring the culture of the Kingdom of God into a world that so desperately needs Him. To bring restoration and healing to people that are lost and broken is at the core of who we are.


We are passionate lovers of Jesus who seek to bring his Kingdom to Earth. Over the years God has brought deeper clarity to the vision of this house both through prayer and prophetic insight. We are a church in our city, of our city, and for our city. We long to see people meet their full potential in Christ and we are going after that through various different ministries and programs. See the link below for an in depth look at the vision of this house.