Psalm 103:2-4

Encountering the love of God, changes everything! It is the power to heal, save, protect, and deliver us into freedom.

Love Encounter is a ministry born from the word SOZO, a Greek word translated as "saved, healed, delivered”.

The promises from the Word of God are clear as we read in Psalm 103:2-4
“Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy…” 

Most of us have never encountered a love so powerful, yet we yearn for it every day.! The ministers of Love Encounter help you create the time and space to be in the presence of God so you can be lavished in His love.

At Love Encounter, the impossible happens. Healing from trauma, emotional pain, betrayal, fear, shame, and anything you think you’ll never be free from, can be unlocked in the Love of God.

 Jeremiah 32:17 says it best.
‘Ah, Lord God! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you.


Hebrew 12:1-2 – “Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.  And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith”.

In the course of life we pick up things that hinder or entangle us; childhood hurts, offenses, lies we believe, sinful choices or trauma.  All these prevent us from experiencing the abundant life that Jesus’ blood purchased for us. This ministry is a thread God is using in the body of Christ to help break people free, restore their true identity and bring freedom to individuals.


A Love Encounter Session begins the process of learning what it feels like to live through the stresses and trials of life with God. 

Take comfort in knowing the pressure to “fix” yourself is not on your shoulders in a Love Encounter session. God himself, is so loving to do the work in you. He often does this carefully, and patiently over multiple sessions. You may find the first session brings freedom in one area, then over time God reveals more He wants to heal in you. 

The Love Encounter ministers will gently walk you through the steps to freedom with the Holy Spirit. Generally, a session lasts 1-2 hrs. It is non-intrusive and honoring to your soul. Everything that happens in your Love Encounter session is kept completely confidential between the 2-3 ministers who are helping you through the process.

Come with an open heart to receive His love and you will walk away free!


Love Encounter TESTIMONIES

I've experienced two Sozo sessions and they were both very powerful, healing, and life giving! I wanted to participate in a Sozo session because although I loved the Lord and was seeking Him earnestly, I felt that there was some sort of disconnect or block that was hindering me from knowing a deeper intimacy with God. The Sozo ministry team created an atmosphere where the presence of God was welcomed an expected. I felt loved and safe immediately. In that space, I was able to encounter the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in a way that brought me great healing, peace, and joy! I was able to release past hurts that I had been carrying for a long time and to forgive others and myself. After each session, I walked (and am still walking) in greater freedom and love. Thank you Jesus for your saving grace and for the way you use the Sozo ministry team to be instruments of your great love. All glory and honor to you, God!

 I would say that as John the Baptist once said, “I baptize with water, but there is one who baptizes by the Holy Spirit” - it is the very true that the Spirit gives life, and the Spirit is present among the people of SOZO that I met with. Whatever your particular burden might be, realize one thing: If the Spirit of the Lord Jesus touches something – whatever sin or sickness or evil that it may be – it absolutely cannot stand, but is completely overcome by Him.
. The women that I sat with in this SOZO (which means whole) session were so kind and gentle and nonjudging! When I sat down, I immediately knew it would be ok, there was peace in the room the Holy Spirit was there! I had been carrying a particular lie for a very long time that tormented me and hindered me! It was the first thing that the Holy Spirit revealed to Roberta, she spoke it out so clearly all I could do was weep and weep it was over! God spoke so clearly and lovingly. I was able to confess and speak out loud things that I had never spoken to anyone. I was able to say it and leave it and still be loved and embraced. The women were spot on about all that had been spoken and shared.
I highly recommend the Sozo ministry at Solomon's Porch Church. Sozo was recommend to me by a friend and he had a really good experience so I decided to give it a try. I don't go to church there but I signed up online easily and was given a meeting date within a week. I was apprehensive going to an inner healing meeting with a group of women who I did not know. Immediately, they put all of my fears to rest and the meeting was really informative, really healing and really peaceful. They made me feel safe, they made me feel heard and they spoke life into my soul. Thank you Sozo team, I had a great experience and I would do it again!